
Another wonderful workshop with HS Arun in 2024

Let's do it again September 2025!

Online Zoom and In Studio classes are available at Yoga Mart

Yoga Mart in person classes are kept to

6 to 8 students. 

The Zoom class is recorded therefore the in studio students may be on camera. The recordings are available to the people that have attended the class for 7-10 days.

Wash your hands, get some sunshine, eat good food, sleep well.


Restorative/Therapeutic  - 10:00AM Fridays

Each class will be restorative in nature, using bolsters, blankets, rope wall and other props. Classes will have a topic, such as low back pain, allergy relief, knee strengthening or headache relief.

No matter the topic the practice will have a restorative effect.

Sign up for the Zoom class and you will receive the class recording.

Do not let class time limit your practice

March 7 - Hips, Knees, Ankles, Feet

March 14 - Scoliosis

March 21 - Emotional Stability

March 28 - Insomnia

Compete Class Schedule

Updated 2/2/2025 

Sunday 9:00 -10:30 AM Level I-II - Special Topic Class*

Monday 10:30-12 Noon Yoga for Women over 50*

Tuesday 10:00-11:30 AM Active 50+*

Wednesday 10:00-11:30 AM Beginner/Level I*

Wednesday 6:00-7:30 PM Advanced Iyengar Yoga*

Friday 10:00-11:30AM Restorative/Therapeutic*

* on Zoom and in studio

# in studio only

~On Zoom Only

For additional information and special topic classes scroll down

Register on Momence at least 20 minutes before class start time.

About 10 minutes before start time, click on the link (or cut and paste the link into a browser) and you will be in class.  Have your props ready, usually a mat, strap, 2 blocks and a few blankets.  Set up near a wall if you use a wall during practice. It is advisable to set the camera (iPad, Laptop, phone) on a stool, table or chair, not on the floor, about 4-5 feet in front of your mat. Upon log in any adjustments in camera angle and volume will be made before class begins.

See you on TV!

Special Topic Classes

Sunday 9:00-10:30AM

March 9 - Seated Poses - Twists, etc

March 19 - Back Bend 

March 23 - Stuff We don't do enough

March 30 - Pranayama

Schedule Your Classes Right Here

Yoga Teacher Skills Class


On Zoom or In-Person

Store Front - Yoga MartStore Front - Yoga Mart
Street View - Yoga Mart - Apt Bldg behind itStreet View - Yoga Mart - Apt Bldg behind it

2201 Tucker St, Suite 101

Dallas, TX 75214

 Marj Rash, owner of Yoga Mart USA, is an Intermediate Junior II - CIYT (Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher )

Private session (1or 2 people) $150 at Yoga Mart

$175 at your place within 5 mile radius of Yoga Mart

Further distances

or larger groups by quote

New Studio!

New Warm Bamboo FloorNew Warm Bamboo Floor
New Studio Rope WallNew Studio Rope Wall


We all had a great time with Dean Lerner during his workshops in Dallas Feb 2017 & Feb 2018.

HS Arun was back in Dallas for a great weekend!
June 27-30, 2024

Let's get ready for September 2025

Scheduling Link HERE or Direct Schedule Link HERE or in-person at Yoga Mart

Class Charges - Individuals

(Re-occurring Private class 6-8 people $420/month of 4 classes )

1.5 Hour Classes

single $24 - 7 days

4 - $90 - 4 weeks

4 - $85 - auto pay every 4 weeks

6 - $130 - 4 weeks

2 Hour Class

Special Topic and Workshop

single $30

Hour of Asana - 60 minute class - $20 Drop-in

Classes series expire 4 weeks after purchase. 

Descriptions of Ongoing Classes


In studio and Zoom

Each class will be restorative in nature, using bolsters, blankets, rope wall and other props. Classes will have a topic, such as low back pain, allergy relief, knee strengthening or headache relief.

Friday 10:00-11:30 AM w/Marj

Active 50+ 

In studio and Zoom

This class is for the mature ongoing student that would like to explore the Rope wall, chair, trestle and other props to enhance their practice. A minimum of 1 year Iyengar experience. This class will explore supported and unsupported inversions, backbends, arm balances, twists, etc.

Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 AM with Marj

Hour of Asana - A quick asana practice for busy lives. $12 - Drop-In per class. 

Beginner/Level I- for those people with little or no yoga experience and those returning to yoga practice after an absence.  The series begins at the beginning and methodically builds through a series of poses to give a foundation of poses that one will be able to build on for years.  Emphasis on standing poses, forward bends and shoulder stand.

Beginner/Level I - Wednesday 10:00 -11:30 AM with Marj

The 60 basic poses taught in a more in-depth fashion. A perfect class for those that are interested in learning the movement of the joints and muscles and how the the basic poses effect the nervous system.

Level 1-2 - Building on the poses learned in the beginner series with the addition of simple back bends, revolved standing poses, shoulder stand variations, headstand and twists.  

Level 1 classes introduce headstand and backbends. Level 2 classes introduce headstand variations and arm balances. 

This class does a little of both levels, depending on the level of the students in attendance.

Wall ropes used in most classes at Yoga Mart.

Sunday 9:00-10:30 AM with Marj

Level 2-3- Refining the poses from Level I with the addition of headstand variations, intermediate back bends, Padmasana and hand balances. Wall ropes used in most classes at Yoga Mart.

Level 3/Advanced- Refining the poses from Level II with the addition of headstand twist variations, challenging shoulder stand variations, and Padmasana variations. Wall ropes are used in most classes at Yoga Mart.

Wednesday @ 6:00 - 7:30 PM with Marj

Restorative Pose
Restorative Pose

Restorative Yoga - This is a quiet, low light, slower paced class utilizing props to support the body and create deep transformation. We will use props such as bolsters  sandbags, wall ropes, chairs and straps. Each class will have a theme however everyone will get a great restorative experience. 

Common themes are: Headache Relief; Aw, My Aching Back!; Insomnia Relief; Pain in the Neck and Shoulders; High Blood Pressure and Yoga to the Bone

Friday @ 10:00 - 11:30 AM with Marj

Women over 50 - This is a beginner friendly class, we start out active and transition to Restorative for the second half of class. All levels of practitioner is welcome. Props are used for those with mobility challenges.

Monday 10:30 AM - 12 noon w/Marj

In case of inclement weather, when DISD cancels classes, Yoga Mart also cancels classes.

 Yoga Mart uses Momence Software 

for class sign up.

To start a profile, pay for classes, sign up for classes go to:

Restorative Pose

Please direct any questions you may have to:

Don't forget to Foursquare yourself when here!

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  2. Classes